Do Chatbots Understand You?
I used to think that today’s so-called “artificial intelligences” are actually pretty dumb. But I’ve recently changed my mind. In this video I want to explain why I think that they do understand some of what they do, if not…
Marijuana: All you need to know
In this video we have collected everything you need to know about marijuana and cannabis. What are the risks and benefit? Medical uses? Is it a good idea to legalize it and what experiences did those countries make who already…
Do Power Plants Really Warm Up The Planet?
All power plants create waste heat that contributes to global warming. At the moment, the contribution is fairly small, but if mankind flourishes it is bound to increase and eventually it will become a problem. The only thing we an…
The Untapped Potential of Geothermal Energy
There is a lot of energy right under our feet, a relic from Earth’s hot past as a ball of plasma. But how much can geothermal energy realistically do for us? What technologies are currently being pursued, what are the…
What’s Going Wrong in Particle Physics?
Why do particle physicists constantly make wrong predictions? In this video, I explain the history and status of the problem. Transcript with references and discussion on Patreon.
Genetic Screening: What is it and how does it work?
Just what genes you pass on to your baby has so far been mostly up to chance, but this is no longer the case. We now have the possibility to choose what traits our children will inherit. In this video,…
The Trouble With Hydrogen
Replacing fossil fuel with hydrogen seems like an ideal solution to make transportation environmentally friendly and to provide a backup for intermittent energy sources like solar and wind. But how environmentally friendly is hydrogen really? And how sustainable is it,…
How Bad is Nuclear Waste?
How much nuclear waste is there, how dangerous is it, what can we do with it? Today we look into nuclear waste disposal and nuclear waste recycling.